EnVyUs队长谈近期比赛 安娜303 亚洲队伍等

时间:2016-09-20 15:16 作者:zbyxzh 来源:NGA 手机订阅 神评论


内容十分丰富,谈到了近期的世界杯资格赛、之前gamescom的失利、NiP的303体系、安娜小美DVA等英雄、亚洲队伍、韩国OGN联赛、即将到来的Overwatch Open。


The start of the Overwatch Open by ELEAGUE is approaching rapidly. We sat down with Dennis ‘INTERNETHULK’ Hawelka to talk about the Overwatch World Cup, their gamescom defeat, the upcoming tournament and much more.

You played Hollywood, Hanamura and Gibraltar against Iceland in the World Cup and won 3-0. Did you expect it to be that easy?

We were happy to draw Iceland. We actually expected to win 3-0, but we didn’t practice against them beforehand or watched their matches. It’s always hard to predict when there’s no team play. With these scrambled teams individual skill is very important and you never know how good teams really are. We didn’t underestimate Iceland, but we expected the 3-0.

How did you feel about your group stage matches, having lost maps against South Africa and the Baltic region?

Against South Africa we lost because of a disconnected player and against the Baltic region we had a very, very close match. We were lucky to win or else we would’ve been playing against Spain, Sweden or Finland in the playoffs.

Speaking of Sweden and Finland, who are your favorites for the Overwatch World Cup?

Sweden, Finland and America should be good. Other than that, concerning Asian teams, I don’t really know how good they actually are. As for Germany, we’ll have to see. We have a couple of days of preparation beforehand so we have to make good use of that. Spain, Sweden, Finland and America should be very good and maybe China, seeing as they are attending with NGA, a full team.

What are your overall thoughts on the World Cup and are you excited for BlizzCon?

I am extremely excited for BlizzCon! I am a huge Blizzard fan! I am 29 and I’ve played Diablo, Diablo2, Warcraft, StarCraft II, WoW and Diablo 3. It’s nice to even be at BlizzCon, to possibly play on the big stage is just very cool.

Taking a step back to gamescom, how did your team take the loss against rogue?

We actually took it pretty well. Everybody was sad and frustrated, because we should have won, but we all know why we didn’t win. We know the reasons. We couldn’t prepare properly, because our flights where already booked. We basically couldn’t practice a week before the event. Gamescom was the first event for us, we got some experience and learned a lot. 3rd/4th isn’t too bad, we lost a really close 2-3 match against Rogue. REUNITED got destroyed even harder in the finals. All those little things help, but it’s a shitty feeling nevertheless. However, we are very confident to do better at ELEAGUE.

What are your thoughts on the Triple-Tank-/Ana-/NiP-comp, seeing as you don’t seem to play it as much and what are the counters to it?

In team Germany we have different views on how to play against it, so we didn’t play what I would’ve played against Iceland for example. On the first point, Hollywood, against the Triple-Tank-Ana we just hid in the caf, which I am not a fan of. In general, against Triple-tank a lot of people advice to not play Junkrat or Symmetra and not to spam, but I think playing very aggressive is better. Even when Ana gets an early ultimate, the chances of getting a kill or heavily damaging your opponents, before they go in, is so high that the only thing you really have to worry about is dealing with an Ana-ulted Reinhardt, which is generally possible with decent CC like Roadhog, Junkrat or Mei. You just have to play together. Other than that I like Mei, Reaper, McCree, Triple-DPS, but it’s map dependent. You can do that on King’s Row for example. Against Iceland we used Zenyatta with Tracer, Genji and Winston to dive the backline, which works against uncoordinated teams with little team play or inexperienced support-players, but won’t work against good opponents. We’ll probably play something different going forward.

What are your thoughts on Ana outside of triple-tank?

Ana’s ultimate has to be nerfed as well as the charge-rate, it’s way too fast. Ana with Genji or Reaper is way too strong, McCree is also good. Her heal is strong, the grenade is very strong, countering Zenyatta’s ultimate for example, which currently is the universal counter to Zarya’s ultimate. So to sum it up, grenade is very strong, ultimate is too strong, charges too strong and her overall healing is too good. Ana is by far the best overall healer and support currently.

Better than Zenyatta?

Yes, we only use Ana/Lucio at the moment, even on King-of-the-Hill.

What are your thoughts on the current state of D.Va?

D.Va is probably the worst tank currently. She is still good, but the problem with D.Va compared to Winston is that you are more committed, because you don’t have 360° protection, no burst damage and you have to decide between dealing damage and absorbing damage with matrix. Winston basically has strong initial defense and strong burst potential with the possibility of getting out again after the shield goes down. D.Va isn’t bad, it’s just that Winston does everything she does, but better.

We’ve seen more and more Mei, especially at chokepoints, cutting teams in half. Will we see more of Mei and will she fill the role of a second DPS or second tank?

More in the direction of a second tank, I have seen teams use Mei with Reaper, Zarya and Reinhardt, so still as a second DPS, but in general Mei is more of a second tank and is used in place of Zarya for example.

We talked about a couple of heroes, comps etc. What are some things you would like to see from Blizzard as a competitive player?

First of all, we need a pause-function in the game. This would be very important for the competitive scene. Another thing that would be important for the competitive scene would be rotating map pools of say 6-8 maps. It’s only possible to practice a certain number of maps and there will always be maps you aren’t prepared for. The map pool should change every season, or every three months with big patches and should be universally used in leagues and tournaments enforced by Blizzard. Other than that Overwatch has the best design ever. You can pull abilities and concepts from basically every genre and game out there. You can take abilities from league of legends and Dota characters, shooters etc. You could add heroes that focus on damage over time abilities, maybe invisibility. Maybe add a fire-themed character. You can basically add anything to the game and I hope there are more cool things to come. There should definitely be more support heroes. As for balancing: Ana needs to be nerfed.

You touched on the Asian scene with the World Cup. In America they played in a couple of cups and had decent showings. How will the Asian scene develop?

We recently played LuxuryWatch, allegedly one of the better teams, and we absolutely destroyed them. Of course there is a ping difference, but the impact isn’t that big. I think their scene is still behind, but they will catch up in the long run due to superior infrastructure. When you are a pro in America or Europe you want to practice eight to ten hours a day, but at some point everybody wants to have some free time, go to the gym, live your life, but in Asia they just go super-ham. For them the game is everything and if you invest so much time into one thing, you will get good at it eventually. They proved it in League of Legends and StarCraf,t but on the other hand they didn’t prove it in Shooters yet. In the long run I still think they will get extremely strong, especially since the game is already hugely popular in internet cafs.

Monte and DoA are going to be casting the new OGN tournament, which will introduce its own pro circuit with four invites alongside a South Korean amateur division. Anders and Semmler have also been casting Overwatch. What do you think about these big names entering the Overwatch scene?

I am really looking forward to having MonteCristo and DoA cast Overwatch matches. They are hugely popular for a reason. Looking across all games, Monte and DoA are by far the best casters even better than Artosis and Tasteless in my opinion. Regarding people like Anders and Semmler, I am 50/50. It is of course great that they are introducing their fans to Overwatch, but it is also a pity that the talents from within the scene are not going to get the chance of casting the matches in ELEAGUE. People like ZP have been working really hard to move the Overwatch scene forward. At gamescom, when the first really big tournament happened, he was not invited to cast though. I know he is not the very best caster, but he’s a community figure and he knows what he is talking about. It would be great to know that his efforts would be better rewarded.

You switched from a gaming house to having apartments. Would you say this is a better solution?

Bootcamps and gaming houses are obviously the very best option if you are focusing on skill and results. In any case that is not a long term solution, since with six or more different people in a small space other issues will arise. You might be noticing the lack of free time and distance more. Our solution is to have different apartments, with which we are all neighbors. Additionally, we have office space nearby, where we can basically have a bootcamp experience.

At Overwatch Open your group looks like a lucky draw. With Splyce, NRG and Liquid as competitors in group play, how do you rate your chances?

I think we are going to win this group, but we have only been practicing for one week so far. Splyce, NRG and Liquid are not to be underestimated either. NRG was the only team to always play Triple-tank in the old meta, so they might adjust better. I think NRG is not far behind Cloud9 and Fnatic in terms of skill, even though they obviously underperformed so far. Our scrims against NRG have been much more challenging than those against Fnatic for example. In official matches, when it really matters, NRG was choking though. On paper we are the clear favorite, but in reality we will have to bring our A game to achieve a solid group win.

In the European group A we are going to see REUNITED, FaZe, Dignitas and NiP. What do you expect from their brawl?

I don’t think that Dignitas is going to make it, they are probably going to place last. I strongly believe in FaZe though be it as first or second. I have the feeling that they are going to pull through alongside REUNITED. This obviously means that I also expect NiP to be eliminated. They are known to be performing well with their tanks, but they recently lost their matches.

And who do you expect to make it out of the other groups?

I think Fnatic and Cloud9 are going to make it out of their group, while Immortals and Method will be eliminated. In the last one Rogue and Misfits are going to make it. ANOX and Luminosity will not.

Which teams are your favorites for the whole tournament?

For the NA part we should be the clear favorites. On the Europe side of things it is a little bit trickier. Rogue or REUNITED would be the safest bet, but FaZe, LG and Misfits could all surprise depending on their practice.

















